
Showing posts from 2024

Five Year Anniversary ....

Posted on Social Media late last week ... Well over 700 Indian Bikes there. Guinness forced a second run due to restricting their rules after previous shenanigans a few years previous. Few overheated, others threw in the towel, but when the smoke cleared, 651 Indians roared in on the second try. I want to say personally, Thank You to the 650 friends of mine who came for the ride of our lifetime. Although this may seem as just a blink in our lives, we, together, truly had a moment somewhere in time. Congratulations, your Guinness record of 651 still stands 5 years today ! - Rob Gregory This was a great event put on by Rob Gregory and his team - And yes being part of a Guinness World Record was kool - But the charities we supported that weekend was the main accomplishment... -Danny Flucke Had to be there to appreciate it. GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT TIME! - RickkciR

2025 .. Let the BS begin

 Start your Engines!  Let the Bullshit begin! Year after year since this great event happened in 2019, someone has been blathering BS every year ... supposedly going to break it this year.. then .. it's next year... or is it the year after that?  Well, once again ... as happens every single year for almost a decade...  here we go. Will the record be broken?  Probably not, but for reasons beyond one's control.  An even better event has sprung up that will have 3 digits worth of folks attending again next year in Montana.  Corporate has had enough of the BS and is pressing hard.  Dealers in the area have had enough.  Even heard ... actually spoke .. to folks that have a really funny surprise awaiting to spring. Sure thing.. .more than 651 in '25?  Nope "SCAM!"